Saturday, June 14, 2014


OMG! OMG! OMG! Daleks a re real! This Dalek eye stalk washed up in Florida a while ago!!!!!! This is scary. Here's a real eye stalk:

I don't know enough about this to give much information, but I think this is real. I hope it's real.


Was Jack Really in WW2?

Isn't that Jack? Captain Jack Harkness? Perfect smile, awesome hair, great eyes... He said he was an agent of the Time Agency. Maybe he really was in World War 2...? If he was we know The Doctor is real. Keep an eye out for a little blue box, or a man who is really hot and never stays dead for long.

Connecticut's "Bow Tie" Rule

Doctor, what have you done in Connecticut?

I'm not kidding here, there is a law that states, "Any utterance from a man in a bow tie is not to be credited." Doctor? Do you have anything to confess?

"...A man in a bow tie..."
"...A man in a bow tie..."

He knows what he did.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Real Weeping Angels?

The following story is really freaking and will probably give you night terrors.

So, I was on "Tumblr" and I was looking at Doctor Who stuff. What else would a Whovian look at? Anyway, i was looking up proof that the Doctor is real. I read a story that a woman wrote. She said it was true. It was as the following:

"I was staying at a hotel for the week. Across from our hotel was a cemetery that was all gated up and had a sign that said, "DANGER!" on it. Of course, I looked through a hole in the fence. I saw an angel. It was just a statue, so I thought nothing of it. The next day, I asked my husband if he wanted to see a "Weeping Angel." He said yes, and I brought him to the graveyard. I had him look through the same hole I did. He looked at me and said, "Are you kidding? There's no statue here." I looked through again and jumped back. There was no angel! A graveyard that said "DANGER!" and a moving statue. Sound familiar?"

Also, just to make you laugh, I want to tell you my experience with a Weeping Angel. I was looking up pictures of them for this blog, and I saw the one of the angel smiling. I clicked on it, thinking, This will freak'em out!" THEN IT GOT CLOSER!!!!!! I jumped back in my seat and screamed. Then I realized it was a .gif. XD

Just remember, Any image of an angel becomes an angel in itself. 
